Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's February. How Are Your Resolutions Coming?

How are your New Year's Resolutions doing? Did you start? Did you start then come to a screeching halt on day 3? Or have you had success and need a little encouragement to keep you going?
Well there is no time like the present and no reason to wait. Fitness and health don't need a start date. You don't need a new year, a new month or a new week to make a positive change to your health. Small changes in your daily life can make a big impact in the course of a year.
So how do you start?
Let's start small.
If improving your diet is part of your New Year's Resolutions, consider replacing one soda with a glass of water with lemon. If you replace 1 regular soda a day with water, you'll save 50, 950 calories in one year. That's 15.9 pounds! If you replace a snack bag of chips each weekday (62,400 calories) with carrots and celery (11,700 calories), you'll save 50,700 calories in one year. That's 15.8 pounds! A little change; a big impact.
If exercise is part of your New Year's Resolutions, consider this. According to the American Heart Association, 2.5 hours of moderate to intense aerobic activity a week can greatly improve blood pressure, resting heart rate, metabolic rate, and relieve stress. And those 2.5 hours don't have to happen all at once. Aim for 5 sessions of 30 minutes each. Or break that 30 minutes into 2 sessions of 15 minutes. It all adds up! If you burn 200 calories in 30 minutes, you'll burn 52,000 calories in one year. That's 16.25 pounds! Just 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
It doesn't take a huge amount of effort to loose weight or eat better. Take a few minutes to revisit your New Year's goals or create some new goals. Break those goals into small pieces and you will see big results!
Don't wait. Start Now!

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